Are you worried about the toxic metals in your body and how best to remove them? Are you having a chronic illness and suspect heavy metals are a source of toxicity for you?
Price: EDTA $189 / EDTA PLUS $229 / DMPS $209
Time: EDTA/EDTA PLUS 60 - 90 minutes, DMPS 20 - 40 minutes
Chelation requires a Doctor's Data urine test ($215), and a consult with our clinician Carrie Ballas. This helps us determine the appropriate protocol for you so as not to deplete your body of vital minerals. ​​
Dosing Options:
EDTA: 5 G Vitamin C, methylated B vitamins, and magnesium in 500mL fluid, price includes Glutathione 600mg
EDTA Plus: 25 G Vitamin C, methylated B vitamins, magnesium in 500 mL fluid, price includes Glutathione 600 mg
DMPS: price includes Glutathione 600 mg
Prior authorization required to book online.
Things to know about Chelation IV Therapy
Unfortunately heavy metals can be pervasive in our bodies, and more people have metals than they want to believe. Heavy metals are naturally found in our Earth's crust, and have been exploited for industrial use and economic purpose. A few of the most concerning metals for our health are Lead, Mercury, Cadmium and Aluminum, although there are many more. Lead was used for gasoline in the 1920's, and was found to be so toxic that it was eventually banned in 1996 for use in gasoline. The harmful effects of Mercury have been well studied and documented.​​ Mercury is still being used today in the manufacturing of industrial chemicals, and until the 1990's was used for filling cavities with amalgams. ​
Whether you were exposed as a developing child or are actively exposed today, the body burden of heavy metals can be significant. Heavy metals cause neurotoxicity and generate free radicals which damage lipids, proteins and DNA molecules. These free radicals can lead to cancers.
Heavy Metals can also cause:
Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's
Autoimmune diseases
Antibiotic resistance
Kidney disease
Liver disease
Endocrine disruption
Mood disorders, and more
Luckily, there are ways to test and remove heavy metals from the body. When done correctly, IV's are one of the most efficient and safest methods of removing metals. Boulder Integrative Health uses EDTA specifically for Lead, and DMPS for other metals such as Mercury and Cadmium.
ETDA is an amino acid that binds heavy metals from the blood and is approved by the FDA for use in treating lead poisoning and toxicity from other heavy metals. Our EDTA IV has Magnesium, Vitamin C, all the methylated B vitamins, plus 600mg of Glutathione. However, you may add additional Glutathione for additional detoxification support.
Typically, patients receiving IV Chelation Therapy need between 20 to 30 treatments to remove metals, along with daily antioxidants, minerals and kidney support that Carrie recommends.
If you are an existing patient at Boulder Integrative Health and would like to have your metals evaluated, reach out to the office at 720-388-1688, and we will walk you through the testing process. If you are not an active patient, contact us to schedule a consultation with Carrie. If you already know you have heavy metals, you can schedule a shorter appointment with Carrie to review the results and discuss the best treatment plan for you.

Potential Benefits
Removing Heavy Metals
Cardiovascular Health
Improved Mental Clarity
Removes Oxidative Damage